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The Modern World Forms Our Identities

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Identity is such a wide and loose term that includes many aspects. At the same time, it is multidimensional. That is, there is no precise definition of identity or a concrete description of how identities are formed. It is rather an issue to be explored and discussed to understand it. What forms our identity and how is identity influenced by the complication in our modern world 

The modern world is rather complicated and, to an extent, it is so interconnected that no one factor solely influences humans. That applies as well to identities and how they are formed in modern society. Our identities are no longer solely dependent on certain factors but a result of multiple and multidimensional factors that are interconnected and shape us and make us the persons that we are. In simpler words, people and their identities are closely attached to several multidimensional factors that form the identity. It is rather impossible to list all the combinations that form the identity. However, a good example of such factors is language, social class, belonging to a specific group in society, family, and other factors that shape and form people’s identities. These factors not only influence us but they form our identities and shape our personalities to become the persons that we are.

These factors that shape our identities are also influential in many aspects of our lives. Mainly, we become who we are due to the influence of those factors. This includes both, negative and positive influences on our lives from those factors. For example, belonging to a social class that has a high status in society has its positive aspects on our possibilities in the future, and hence, our identities. The same applies to language when we speak a language that is privileged or is the language of privileged groups in society. Furthermore, we are shaped by our families and the group that we belong to in our societies. All these aspects can have a positive influence on our possibilities. Thus, our identities are formed based on these circumstances and the factors that we are exposed to.

On the contrary, the same factors can have a negative influence on our lives and our possibilities. Thus, our identities are formed and characterized by the negative influence of these factors. Such a good example is belonging to a certain exposed and oppressed social group. This will necessarily be reflected upon in our identiteíes and how they are formed or shaped. 

Finally, one thing to bear in mind is that identities are not static aspects of personalities. Identity is a changing issue in our life that changes due to modifications in the factors that shape our identities and that shape us. Concretely, when our social status changes, then even our circumstances change due to that and hence the factor that shapes that side of our identity. Thus, our identity changes accordingly. 

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