Best Friends is an interesting short story about Suzanne and the protagonist who goes unnamed throughout the story. The main event is about the protagonist trying to protect her friend Suzanne from getting into a relationship with Jeremy because the protagonist believes that Jeremy is not a good person. She listens to Suzanne and Jeanette while they are talking and makes sure that she is not noticed. She knew Suzanne’s password to the social network which was Suzanne’s old rabbit’s name and got into Suzanne’s account when she found out that Jeremy had sent her a friend request. The protagonist did whatever she was capable of to stop Suzanne from being with Jeremy because she believed that Suzanne was and to an extent still is her best friend. In the end, she came up with an idea to make it look like Jeanette, Suzanne’s best friend, played around in Suzanne’s social network account. However, the whole thing ended with embarrassing Suzanne before the whole school. Suzanne became broken and went to cry alone. The protagonist approaches her and offers to go out on the holiday. Suzanne refuses and tells her that they never were best friends and they went out together just because Suzanne’s mom made her do this. The protagonist reveals at the end that she was the one who killed Suzanne’s rabbit. She shows obsession with Suzanne’s friendship..
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Språk som maktfaktor i 1984
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