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Literary History

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Each period in history characterized the literature of this period by specific characteristics that constituted the core values and features of each epoch. This originated from humans’ perception of reality at that time. Mainly, each epoch in literary history influenced the period that it emerged under and characterized the literature of this period by specific characteristics that are visible through the literary works of each epoch. In simpler words, literary works in each specific epoch were influenced by reality perceptions, and the themes of literature were shaped outgoing from those perceptions, and consequently the authors.

Introduction – Literary History

In my presentation, I will explore three epochs in English literary history. This is to explore and investigate different features that characterized each epoch. Accordingly, how literature under these periods was influenced. That is, in terms of themes, ideas, feelings, and other aspects that are interesting from a literature perspective. 

I will explore the medieval, renaissance, and enlightenment epochs of English literary history. Concretely, I will investigate how themes of literary works were influenced by the reality perceptions and core values of each period, and consequently the prevailing ideas of each period. In this context, I will briefly present each epoch with its characterizing features and reflect upon one literary work that belongs to each epoch to investigate the research thesis.

Medieval Epoch

The Medieval epoch includes a wide pattern of literary work and mainly, this epoch includes all literature created during the middle ages. A decent amount of literary works that were created during the medieval epoch were created anonymously and written in Latin or Vernaculars, which are a sort of a dialect or local language that is used to speak but not to write. Literary works were inspired by folktales, andaccompanied with an intention of performance rather than just written works. Therefore, one can see characters that are inspired by folktales such as legends, fables, and myths, according to Joshua Mark (2019).

Beowulf is a poem that is considered to represent this epoch. Furthermore, it is among the oldest English written poems in history that are still preserved. The poem is about a heroic legendary character and celebrates this hero’s deeds. It is written in the Old English language and the author of this poem still is unknown. The anonymous character, the legend, and the heroic deeds of the main character are the theme of this poem. This is almost typical for what can be considered medieval literature. 

Renaissance Epoch

The period following the medieval epoch is often recognized as a period of creation of the most valuable and recognized literary works. The renaissance epoch was from the 14th century until the 17th century and during this period, some of the most recognized authors were active. The renaissance was a period with a clear interest to rediscover the ancient ages and revive the classical or what by that time was considered classical. The human was a centric term for the approach of this epoch and many literary works focused on humans as centric to her universe. The renaissance started in Italy and spread its ideas from Italy to the rest of Europe. Yet, its peak time was in England, and among the most important discoveries in human history, printing took place during this period. Therefore, knowledge got a better place while communication got enhanced by this invention. Consequently, the church’s dominant position got weaker. 

Among the most important creators of this epoch is William Shakespeare who is as well recognized worldwide as the most famous dramatist of all time. Among Shakespeare’s works that are recognized during this period are The Sonnets. This set of poems presented different worlds and upside-down concepts in contrast to the prevailing ideas and perceptions at that time, according to Britannica (2021).

Enlightenment Epoch

Following the renaissance epoch, the age of enlightenment would shape the reality of humans during the 17th and the 18th centuries. Such big events took place during this period that would shape the future of humanity such as the French revolution and the American revolution. Reason and logic were central terms of this epoch. The enlightenment ages, as referred to by the name, were characterized by a wide skepticism toward the church’s position and the inherited wisdom from the renaissance. Rationality even was such a valued aspect of this epoch while at the same time the belief in humans and their ability to achieve. 

One of the most recognized literary works of this epoch is A modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. The essay suggests a rational solution for overpopulation and poverty in Ireland. Yet, the author does it in such an ironic way to illustrate England’s exploitation of Ireland. The essay suggests serving poor Irish children to wealthy English landlords as food. By this, the author wants to deliver a message which is a call back to rationality and reasoning through the nation. Those represent the core values of this epoch. 


Each epoch in literary history influenced the belonging literature and literary works outgoing from the core values and characteristics. That originated from the perceptions of reality and the prevailing ideas of the time.

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