Home » Everything You Need to Know About Generation Z – A Critical Reading

Everything You Need to Know About Generation Z – A Critical Reading

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The anonymously written article about generation Z discusses digitialization and how the Internet influenced our world and mainly, generations born after the technical revolution. The article describes a generation that does not know the older world without the Internet and digital technologies. However, the article, as mentioned, is written anonymously with no further specified information about the author, date of publication or the medium of publication. 

The author of the article writes information about the generation Z behavior in several life contexts but never precisely mentions where the information är coming from. That is to say, the author of the article never gives a reference or a source for the information. For example, the author mentions that people aged between 13-20 bring up trends from social media. This statement has neither a critical ground nor a source. In simpler words, this statement raises the question of where the information is coming from. Despite the lack of references and sources of information in the article, there is one source that the author mentions. It is the US Consultancy Sparks and Honey. However, even this reference is not properly mentioned but rather it is mentioned in general terms without specifying a study or a report for example.

The article, according to the above mentioned critical discussion, lacks the ground that can make it trustworthy. That is, it is not referencing proper sources nor is it based on scientific studies. Furthermore, it never specifies the author’s name or the date of publication. Therefore, the article can be read for amusement but one never can rely on it as a source of information

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