Home » Computer games are taking over the whole youth generation

Computer games are taking over the whole youth generation

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Technological developments enhanced by artificial intelligence (AI) have created a sphere of new possibilities that influence many aspects of society. Teenagers, in this context, are the fastest in adopting those new technologies and constitute a wide pattern of the users of these technologies, mainly through social media and computer games. Therefore, we see an emergence of a totally new area in this context where teenagers are the target audiences. For example social media, digitalized services and not forgetting gaming as a new emerging and attractive area. Gaming or computer gaming in more precise words is emerging as an attractive social aspect in teenagers’ life and as lucrative business. 

The phenomenon is rather interesting because of its comprehensive influence on youth culture in almost every part of the world. That is, the youth generation embraced the matter and incorporated it as an influential part of their culture. For example, gaming culture in South Korea is very strong not only among youth but even for older generations who passed the youth age. Furthermore, new type of events, that are inspired from this phenomenon,  are emerging such as eSports when sport and competition are carried out through gaming devices and computers. However, this phenomenon is at the same time criticized and admired. A growing part of research within this area is increasingly focusing on this area according to its growth among youth generations. Critics claim that gaming or exaggerating in gaming has negative effects on teenagers and in a way it has addictive and harmful aspects that should be considered. Such discussed effects are addiction, school results, anxiety and other effects. On the other hand, there are a growing number of defenders and supporters for gaming among the older generations. They claim that this phenomenon has positive aspects and not only negative ones. They mean that gaming enhances problem-solving ability, enhances social structures and interaction among youth and contributes to team-work attitude at least as much as real-life sports. The fact about gaming effects still is unexplored in a deep manner and comprehensive research as it still is a relatively new phenomenon. 

Finally, regardless of what we believe and which standpoint we take, computer games and gaming a matter of fact that adults and other anti-gaming people should accept. It has become a reality for some youth people and their parents as much as other sports and hobbies are for other people. Discussing whether gaming has negative effects or good ones still is something up to studies and research in this area to answer. Until the question is answered by scientific research, the matter of gaming is here to stay. 

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