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A Summary of The Right Level

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The Right Level is a short story written by Elizabeth Gilbert about one experience of choosing the right level of education in the Italian language. The story is about an unnamed protagonist who is going to attend classes in the Italian language. She will start at Leonardo da Vinci school and she is a bit nervous about which level she will be placed into. However, she hoped to achieve at least level 2.

The test is way harder than she thought it would be but she manages to get into level 2 even though she was unconfident about that. It is such an excitement for her when she starts level 2 class.

Contrary to her expectations, she finds out that level two is way too hard for her to hang on with. Therefore, she decides to go to the administration office and ask them to start at level one instead. She is happy now and it is much easier for her to understand and learn Italian at level one. 

ct that she was unconfident about that. It is such an excitement for her when she starts level 2 class.

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