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A street cat named Bob – Analysis

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A street cat named Bob is a memoir published in 2013 written by the English author James Brown. This novel and other memoirs written by the author are among the bestsellers in the world. The book is based on real-life events that show a part of the author’s life and reflect upon issues that are, to some extent, in everybody’s life. It is an uplifting and inspiring story of a real-life event in the author’s life.

The analysis of A street cat named Bob discusses the theme of the novel. The discussion aims to understand the theme of the book trying to find if there are multiple themes and, accordingly, how those themes interact and are revealed throughout the book. To answer the thesis statement, the discussion will be developed upon main events and the main characters of the book. That is, trying to relate main events and characters to a specific theme/themes.


The story is about the author, James Brown, who is a street musician in the streets of London. He was recovering from drug addiction and living in sheltered accommodation. One day, while he was going to his flat, James found a homeless and injured ginger cat in the hallway that is leading to his flat. James tried to find the owner of the cat but couldn’t. Therefore, he took the cat with him into his flat. He gave the cat food and took care of its injury. James took good care of the cat and took him to a veterinarian to recover. He decided to name the cat Bob. Their friendship got stronger with time and they got to know each other better. James realized that Bob is a smart cat and the bond between them got stronger with time. While Bob was recovering, James took Bob with him to see the world again. One day, after Bob’s recovery, James decided that he will prepare Bob to go to his normal life in the streets. That is, because James believed that it was something Bob wanted. Bob showed another reaction and didn’t want to go back to the streets. That made James think about another plan. James started to take Bob out more often so Bob could get used again to life in the streets. James never succeeded in doing that.

From that point, Bob used to go out with James and followed him on all his tours through London. James felt the difference that Bob made when it followed him in his tours. They became well-known characters in the place where James used to play his music. Bob made it easier for James to communicate with people. At the same time, Bob’s presence near James changed James’ way and attitude toward people. James understood what it could mean to take care of somebody else and how it is to have responsibility. James got into problems with law enforcement because of his job as a street musician. Therefore, he applied for a job to sell Big Issue magazines. Bob and James become well-known for selling Big Issue magazines. Bob become so popular that he went viral on Youtube and tourists recognized Bob when they saw it. They called the cat Bob-Big Issue. At that time, Bob was becoming well-known on the internet and some kind of celebrity. James and Bob got interviews, films and offers to write a book. Bob saved James’ life and changed it. From a homeless, drug addict, and hopeless man to a responsible man.


The novel is structured in a chronological timeline. The author describes the events from the beginning to the end when they became celebrities. The chronological timeline contributed to the reading experience as the book is a memoir. That is, the novel is about a specific period in the author’s life.

In that way, the reader logically could follow the real-life events of the author.SettingThe novel takes place in London, England for a period of two years, 2007 – 2009. Referring to the settings in the novel, gives the reader a perspective and an image of the events of the book.


The book is centered mainly on two characters that are Bob, the cat, and James, the author. The book does not describe how James looks like. The reader gets to know how Bob is as a cat and how it looks like. For example, when James lost Bob, he started to ask people if they saw a red cat running.

Another example is when James for the first time finds Bob and describes him as a “ginger cat”.


The most obvious theme of the book is the friendship between Bob and James. This can be seen throughout the whole book. For example, in the very beginning of the book and before their bond gets stronger, James felt the friendship

“There was no doubt that he was forming an affection for me. As, indeed, I was for him.” (p. 23).

Even when James tried to put Bob again in the streets as he believed Bob wanted this, Bob never accepted and always went back to James. That reveals loyalty as a theme in the book as well, even if it is not as obvious as friendship.

They, Bob and James, always sought each other when they were not together. For example, when James lost Bob at the end of the novel, he went crazy looking for Bob. He never let Bob down and never abandoned him. However, the most obvious theme of the book is friendship, and the secondary theme of the book is loyalty.


A street cat named Bob is an interesting memoir based on the real-life events of the author. It is considered a memoir and not an autobiography because it is centered around a specific event in the author’s life and not about his whole life. The book is about friendship and loyalty between James and Bob. How they could influence each other’s lives for the better.

A very interesting book and interesting events through the author’s life during this period when he was homeless, drug-addict, and hopeless.

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Best view i have ever seen !


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